Man it's been so long since I updated my blog, what a long neglect.... I been so busy catching up on work and life that I haven't updated news from here.. here's a quick photoblog update enjoy!
In no particular order...
pre halloween!
black swan and minnie
Did a flash mob proposal...
Epic and fun to be part of a dancing group.
The famous couple upfront!
Galloween Model
upfront of with all the models
power ranger dance
all decked out with lots of everything in my hair. for a short shoot
make up artist at work
another outfit for the Pamyu Event coordinated by Deonne make up artist/stylist
back to my normal self of how i look daily haha with my 15 year old poochi
Bye hope you enjoy what's happen in my life!!!!
Its fun to be someone else for a day, wouldn't you want to?