Currently I been training to run the LA Marathon. Been running almost everyday since November. I ran before but it was just for regular exercise and to be in shape, but now I made a commitment to finish the marathon no matter what it takes! This will be my first and ever marathon so I am very excited. I also have some very supportive people that gave me some tips and training so that really gave the motivation to finish it.
This year LA Marathon is called Stadium to the Sea because we will start from the Dodger's Stadium and end at Santa Monica Pier at a whopping 26 miles.

Recently I just purchase a new camera a Olympus EP1 with a 17mm pancake lens and viewfinder. I was debating if I should get the 14-42mm lens since I would have the option to zoom in far objects, but since I take many pictures close up that I wouldn't need it. I really wanted the white body ep1 because it looks unique and exotic looking. But since I am in the U.S. I take what I can get. I purchase the silver body and made some modification myself.
Can you tell the difference?
I purchase a leather skin on ebay called Skin Guard. It looks so much better than the boring silver polish in my opinion. I think I becoming to be a total camera junkie because there are so many mods and accessories I can get for my camera...
There are so many awesome features in the camera! But I'll save it for the next post! Because I am still discovering EP1's potential.
On the most lovey dovey valentine's day instead of a guy planning out this whole flowers and fancy dinner for the girl. Well I did the opposite, I planned out a day of fun activities and good food for him.
White coffee drink
Yesterday I got a new haircut at a new salon, hmm I just seem to be jumping from salon to salon, because I just can't find a really good hairdresser that understand the style that I am after. But since I was in dying need of a trim from the dry and lifeless hair of mine, I yelp at this new salon that was actually 5 mins from my house called Glamour Beauty Shop. Go ahead don't be shy Yelp it!
I called early and made an appointment and was the first customer there. It's actually a good thing since the hairstylist can pay more attention to my haircut than rushing through it. With hair wash, cut, and a blow dry its well worth the $28. I usually don't have that kind of service for that price. But what's most important for me is the cut. I specifically told her what I was picky about and wanted to keep my length of hair. Overall I really enjoy Gaudalupe cutting my hair because she kept asking me if this what I wanted. She is a very nice lady and gave me tips in keeping my hair color. She's not like those asian salon, who keeps pestering you to get more services done. Overall I would go back there for a trim and blow dry, but I am after something else. The search continues..
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