Lets back track to my trip from China. There we are at train station asking the staff to get us tickets to Shanghai. "Sorry no tickets to Shanghai." WHAT! We kinda gasped and said no way. A couple that we were hanging out at the hostel was with us and said "Hey wanna take a detour and come with us to Mianshan?"
Mianshan? What's that? This place is located in Shanxi, China its also know as Jiexiu Mianshan. This place is amazing I have never seen something like this. I think if anyone need time of peace and calm this mountain would be the best place. It has 14 tourist areas and 400 attractions. I think i went through like 5 out of 14 areas. But just enjoying the view high on top of the mountain is spectacular. There are plenty of things to see and enjoy but i'll let you be the judge with all the pictures i took. But if you like to come here someday here's a link for it
We were up at this mountain for 4 days and 3 nights, ill be showing you the first two days.
#1 It is one of the few tourist places people go to for foreigners because it is so rural there.

#2 Only in China

#3 amazing jen and her signature pose

#4 these are called love locks. it says if you get one and lock it there your love will last forever

#5 our first hotel at the bottom

#6 this crazy and dangerous flight of stairs we climbed up

#7 derek is singing to the mountains haha

#8 secret love garden?

#9 i am at peace

#10 amazing view

#11 this is what i see every morning when i wake up there

#12 freaky

#13 think this is made our of gold?

#14 another breathtaking view

#15 since up a mountain meat is scarce, to conserve meat they made this into like beef jerky kinda dish.

#16 mushrooms? cucumbers? i dont know it was yummy!

#17 tofu with these chewy beans

#18 im hungry already

#19 while we eat, they have people trying to sell us paintings at the restaurant

#20 so many coy fishes

#21 oh deer...

#22 climb up this

#23 yes i did it with slippers!

#24 floating stairs

#25 this is like indiana jones

#26 oh no don't fall now

#27 Jennifer and Derek were the awesome people who invited us to this amazing place

#28 we keep climbing up the top with floating stairs up the waterfall

#29 cool

#30 picture taking a picture


#32 yay!

#33 waterfall


#35 i think we got up the top

#36 derek, jen and jen's mother karen

#37 oh no!

#38 we cant wait to ride on the real elephant, this is practice

#39 rawr!

#40 boom!

#41 i love their translations

#42 yay!

#43 we hiked up this massive staircase that leads to nowhere

#44 amazing view though

#45 local tourist just loves to take pictures with us or especially derek, it must be the hair

#46 pictures does not do justice

#47 this place is amazing in person

#48 i really cannot describe to you how this look but its the best looking temple i seen

#49 we always have breaks, right now its breaktime

#50 snack/dinner time

#51 they eat alot of noodles

#52 their corn and peas were hard. not sweet at all

#53 spicy dish

#54 odles of noodles

#55 the girls there are really shy, so when one girl asked alan to take a picture, all the girls came flocking to him to get a quick snap with the cute foreign boy haha

#56 after a long day of walking and hiking we had our feet soaked in a mini bucket. haha hence the irony.
alright good night im done! enjoy!
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